Common Goods Pool

Vote on how to allocate part of the block reward to the CGP and on how it should distribute its funds go to ‘Common Good Pool’--> ‘Voting’.

Step By Step Guide

Vote for a proposed payout Ballot

To Vote for a proposed payout go to ‘Common Good Pool’ under the ‘Voting’ tab in the main navigation.

Step 1: Here you can do one of the following

  1. Choose a Payout Ballot ID in the ‘Ballot ID’ field using the dropdown menu

  2. Click one of the proposed Ballot IDs from the Nominees Board

Step 2: Click the ‘Vote’ button to continue

Step 3: Review your voting summary and click ‘Continue’

Step 4: Enter your password to execute the vote transaction by clicking the ‘Vote’ button.

Step 5: After publishing your transaction a success message will appear.

Step 6: after executing your vote transaction you will be able to see it on the ‘Transaction History’ page

  • You might first see the transaction on ‘Pending’, till it gets its first confirmation

Vote for a the reward distribution:

To Vote for the reward distribution go to ‘Common Good Pool’ under the ‘Voting’ tab in the main navigation.

Step 1: use the horizontal scroll bar to choose a valid allocation or use the dedicated input box

Step 2: Click the ‘Vote’ button to continue

Step 3: Review your voting summary and click ‘Continue’

Step 4: Enter your password to execute the vote transaction by clicking the ‘Continue’ button

Step 5: After publishing your transaction a success message will appear.

Step 6: after executing your vote transaction you will be able to see it on the ‘Transaction History’ page

You might first see the transaction on ‘Pending’, till it gets its first confirmation.

Last updated