Full Node NPM Package

Run the Zen Node in headless mode

Please note that the usage of the software is only permitted to anyone who purchased a license during the license sale period. Sale Terms

Install/Update Wallet


  1. Install mono-devel. If you choose to install via a package manager, add Mono's own repository first.

  2. Install brew

  3. Open the Terminal (can be found from search bar)

  4. Install lmdb. Enter the command (in terminal) brew install lmdb.

  5. Install Nodejs

    1. Recommended to install using NVM

    2. Recommended to install Node LTS nvm install 8.9.4


  1. Install Nodejs (LTS version recommended)


  1. Install mono-devel. If you choose to install via a package manager, add Mono's own repository first.

  2. Install lmdb. The package name is liblmdb0 on Ubuntu and lmdb on Fedora. sudo apt install liblmdb0

  3. Install Nodejs (Version >= 6)

    1. Recommended to install using NVM

    2. Recommended to install Node LTS (8.9.4) nvm install --lts

Point your npm directory to our repository

Run the following commands in the Terminal / Command Prompt:

npm config set @zen:registry https://www.myget.org/F/zenprotocol/npm/

Installing / Updating

Run the following commands in the Terminal / Command Prompt:

npm install @zen/zen-node -g

Running the node

Run zen-node from anywhere in your command line (terminal) to start up the node

Full Wipe (Clear Data)

To completely wipe the blockchain + the wallet from your node run: zen-node --wipe full

Running with a miner (CPU Only)

Run the node with a miner. You can also choose the amount of threads you want to utilize.

zen-node --miner 4

Running with options / arguments

USAGE: zen-node.exe [--help] [--test] [--api <string>] 
                    [--bind <string>] [--ip <string>] 
                    [--wipe [<full>]] [--miner [<threads>]] 
                    [--addressdb][--data-path <string>] 
                    [--service-bus <string>] 
                    [--publisher <string>] 
                    [--origin [<string>]] 


    --test                 use testnet
    --api <string>         enable api and set bind address
    --bind <string>        set the address the node should listen on
    --ip <string>          specify the IP the node should relay to other peers
    --wipe [<full>]        wipe database, specify full to wipe the wallet's private key
    --miner [<threads>]    enable miner and optionally specify number of threads
    --addressdb            enable the AddressDB module
    --data-path <string>   set the data folder path
    --service-bus <string> expose the service bus over zeromq address
    --publisher <string>   expose the publisher over zeromq address
    --connectwallet        connect the new desktop wallet
    --origin [<string>]    add CORS origin
    --remote               automatically configure for remote usages
    --help                 display this list of options.

Last updated