Account Settings
Under ‘Account Setting’ you will be able to configure the wallet settings
Auto logout
Enter the number of minutes to set the inactivity timeout. After this time you will need to login again
Login Password
Step 1: Click the “Change’ button to change your current password to a different one.
Step 2: Enter a new secure password and click ‘Save Changes’
When changing your password remember to:
Step 3: Choose password
Backup Wallet
Security notice
Showing your mnemonic phrase on a digital platform can put your funds at risk. Make sure the device you are using is secured.
Under the backup wallet dialog you will be able to view your wallet’s private info by providing the wallet password:
Step 1: Click the ‘Show’’ button to view your wallet’s private info.
Step 2: Read the security warning and confirm to continue.
Step 3: Enter your password to continue.
Step 4: View your private infos
PK hash: The decoded address used to lock the UTXO to
XPUB KEY: Public key of the main account derived from the mnemonic phrase
Menominic: A valid BIP39 24 words phrase used to derive public and private keys
XPRIV KEY: Private key of the main account derived from the mnemonic phrase
Wipe Wallet
Wipe the wallet secured mnemonic to import a new one.
Step 1: Click the “Wipe’ button to delete your wallet
Step 2: Choose between:
‘Wipe’ in order to erase your wallet
Provide the wallet password to continue
“Backup Wallet’
Provide the wallet password to see your wallet’s private info.
Confirm deleting your wallet by clicking the ‘Wipe’ button.
Last updated