How the Oracle contract works


To verify/record hints, run zebra e Oracle.fst.

The elaborated source file will be created in the output directory.

To build, run zebra c Oracle.fst.

Both the elaborated source file and the compiled binary (.dll) file will be created in the output directory.

How it works

The oracle contract allows a data provider to make a commitment (with the "Commit" command) in the form of a hash, which will be recorded on the blockchain, and can provide attestation tokens (with the "Attest" command) to prove that a commitment was recorded on the blockchain.

The commitment token is minted by the contract using a signed transaction (the contract witness is signed by the data provider) and is derived from the committed hash and the public key of the provider who sent the data.

The token is then locked to the oracle contract and stays in the possession of the contract indefinitely.

Whenever a proof of a commitment is needed, an attestation token can be minted (with the "Attest" command) by providing the committed hash and the public key of the data provider, from which the contract derives once again a commitment token which is taken from the contract wallet and then locked back to the contract, then mints from the same data an attestation token which is sent to the recipient specified by the sender.

Since the contract tries to take the commitment token from its wallet and lock it to itself - the only way for the attestation transaction to be valid is if the contract has the commitment token to begin with (otherwise it would create an invalid execution), meaning that the data provider must have first executed the contract with the "Commit" command.


The Oracle contract has 2 commands:

  1. "Commit"

  2. "Attest"


To commit a hash execute the Oracle contract with the "Commit" command and provide the hash in the message body as a dictionary with the field name "Commit". Note: The transaction must be signed, the provider who executed this command must authenticate the transaction.

The contract will then take the public key of the provider, concatenate it to the provided hash, mint a commitment token from the hash of the concatenation, and lock it to itself.

                       commitment token = [[ Commit ; public key ]]
Contract |------------------------------------------------------------> Contract

From now on the contract will hold the commitment token indefinitely.


To ask for an attestation on a committed hash by a specific provider execute the contract with the "Attest" command and provide a message body as a dictionary with the following data:

To ensure that the specified hash was indeed committed the contract will take the public key of the provider, concatenate it to the provided hash, look up in its wallet for a commitment token derived from the hash of the concatenation, and lock it to itself.

The contract will also take the double hash (the hash of the hash) of the concatenation, mint an attestation token out of it, and lock it to the recipient - this will provide the recipient with a concrete and exchangeable evidence that the specified hash was indeed committed to.

                       commitment token = [[ Commit ; public key ]]
Contract ------------------------------------------------------------> Contract

                       attestation token = [[[ Commit ; public key ]]]
Contract |------------------------------------------------------------> Recipient

Generated Assets

Commitment Token

[[ hash ; oraclePublicKey ]]

Attestation Token

[[[ hash ; oraclePublicKey ]]]

Last updated